The Pros And Cons Of Recreational Marijuana

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For decades now the government has been deciding on whether to legalize the use of recreational marijuana, keep it as a schedule one drug, or to legalize it for medical use. Both sides of the argument have some valid points that I agree with and some that I don’t. When you start to look at actual facts of marijuana it really doesn’t make much sense to have it as a schedule one drug. A schedule one drug is classified as having a high potential for abuse and the potential to create severe psychological and physical dependence. Drugs that fall into this category would be methamphetamines, heroin, LSD, and marijuana. It is sort of hard to understand how marijuana is on this list because if anything people really have problems with meth or heroin.
The drug may reduce thinking, memory, and learning abilities and affect how the brain builds connections between the areas for these abilities. Inhaling any kind of smoke whether it be tobacco or marijuana is not good for your lungs. We only have lungs to breathe air, nothing else. Marijuana smoke can irritate the lungs; marijuana smokers can have the same breathing problems that tobacco smokers have. These problems consist of cough, more lung illness, and a higher danger of lung infections. Marijuana can potentially be addictive. Research suggests that 9 percent of users may develop some problem, which can lead to addiction. People who begin using marijuana before age 18 are 4 to 7 times more likely than adults to develop problem use. Dependence becomes addiction when the person can 't stop using marijuana even though it affects their
Research says continued use builds up tolerance and can lead users to use stronger drugs to reach the same high. Marijuana itself cannot lead the person to the other drugs. If the person wants to use stronger drugs they will; it doesn’t have anything to do with marijuana. It has more to do with if you let yourself do other drugs. On the other hand, 90 percent of people who used a stronger drug started out using marijuana. The reason why states are legalizing recreational use of marijuana is because of the tax money they make. If every state legalized full recreational use, the U.S. would make 8.7 billion dollars from tax revenue. Another question people ask is has it ever made anyone overdose? The answer to that is no, if you smoke over 800 joints in one sitting, you might die. The death wouldn’t be from the marijuana itself. It would be from carbon monoxide poisoning. For marijuana to kill you from an overdose, you would need to smoke 40,000 times the average amount within a short period of time, which is pretty much

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