The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Weapons

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Throughout a country's time period comes the necessary advancements to keep the country thriving and successful. Whether it is an advancement of agriculture or an advancement in education, the change of times forces a country to constantly evolve to adapt to the world around them. With this constant evolution, countries must also improve their defenses and weaponry in order to adequately protect their people. And in this comes the creation of the nuclear bomb. The first developments of a nuclear weapon came from the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project began in 1939, where most of the times spent in the beginning years were used to build up factories and produce resources. Shortly after the United States found the "correct formula" for the weapons, other countries saw what the United States had and wanted a weapons of their own. This brought on the beginning of the Cold War, a worldwide weapons race to see who had the biggest and most nuclear weapons in their arsenal. The dangers of nuclear weapons heavily outweigh whatever positives may be drawn from them. There are accidents that can happen such as the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl. That meltdown caused the evacuation of the entire city which, since then has not been inhabited to this day. The attacks of a nuclear weapon are not far off of that either. The results of Hiroshima and Nagasaki lead to radiation poisoning of its citizens, decimation of land, as well as a later effect that led to babies being born with mutations. There are many immediate effects as well as graduated effects that can destroy a whole nation. With these weapons, it makes one think, what if they ended up in the wrong persons hands? If they ended up in the hands of terrorists, they could destroy any... ... middle of paper ... ...any platforms. Starting with general information about nuclear detonation. Next this source covers the categories of medical injuries that are obtained by nuclear explosions. Also being discussed in this source is how to use your surroundings to help protect yourself from the nuclear fallout or the initial blast. This is an extremely credible source because it offers very useful and up to date information I can use in my paper. 8. BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. This is a source I used to find a lot of my Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis information. I found it to be very useful because of the accuracy and the consistency of the information I found. In this seeing as though I knew/know very little about the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, this source made the information much easier to understand as opposed to reading the scholastic entries elsewhere.

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