Health Disparities And Equity Issues In Health Care

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An individual’s age, gender, race, income, and environment directly affects a person’s health. These determinants contribute to health disparities and equity issues in society. Addressing these differences helps create a health plan that fits an individual, and not just those who fit under a certain demographic. The problem of using determinants to define one’s health status causes individuals to be at a disadvantage compared to others; instead these individuals should be supported in order to improve their quality of life. Health status refers to the physical, mental, and emotional condition that individuals have within their community. It is important to understand that not every person has the same level of health. Illnesses and disabilities …show more content…

“Health inequalities based on SES can be reduced by instituting health interventions that automatically benefit individuals irrespective of their own resources or behaviors” (Link & Phelan & Tehranifar, 2010). With regards to that interfering where the inequitable health disparities are in communities will decrease the disadvantages that individuals deal with. Many people in The United States of America believe that there are equal opportunities for everyone regarding health, but this is un-true. For example, people with a lower income are at a disadvantage, because of their lack of access to healthier food choices or better health care services. It is well known that healthier, fresh, and organic foods are costlier than their fast-food counterparts. The communities dealing with health disparities and equity issues are hardly in favor when it comes to having accessibility to opportunities like healthy food options, sidewalks, safe neighborhoods, and quality health care services. To fix the inequities and disparities present in health it is important for policy makers to examine the inequitable (Carter-Pokras & Baquet, 2002). Lawmakers for public health policies should understand what is inequitable for all individuals with a low-SES status. Understanding health inequities from a low-SES point of view will show communities that public health policies could effectively benefit them. It is one thing to create and develop healthier food options in lower socioeconomic areas, but it is equally important to make those healthy foods affordable. Furthermore, by implementing public health polices within communities to address the differences of health and the quality of health can also influence local and global

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