The Pros And Cons Of GMO Labeling

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Livestock are being engineered to produce more milk and have higher meat to fat ratio. This is not just affecting humans but animals too. From what my Dad said while working on the farm during his day, injecting the cows would often lead to infections particularly the udder. Some say the abuse to animals or the interfering of their natural lives is sickening just to produce more in less time. Many people are against GMO’s, therefore supporting GMO labeling simply for the fact of animal cruelty. Instead of relying on large companies like Monsanto the company that owns, small farmers need to be the main producers along with promoting local business. Researchers in Turkey attest, “The results of all the parameters evaluated in our investigation were consistent and confirm that the GM diet fed to rats for 30, 60, or 90 days caused significant histopathological, biochemical, and cytogenetic changes in all examined tissues” (Oraby et al. 273) The consumer market can stop animal cruelty for human gain by not supporting GMO’s. GMO’s are leading humanity down the wrong path so couldn’t the prevention of advancements in the GMO industry stop animal cruelty.
The concern over the environment and our animal’s health should be a top priority, but the health of humans should be at the top of the list. After modification the …show more content…

The thing is this creates a competition of sorts where as another business that choses to make its food naturally might want to start using GMO’s. The fear is that if we keep growing as a GMO economy then the rest will follow and we won’t have our original culture anymore. We won’t know what our normal food is. This will fearfully cause a trend in companies turning to genetic modifications for their food. Many people will not support GMO’s due to this scary fact and another counter that could be reasoning for labeling of the GMO

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