The Pros And Cons Of Euthanasia

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Controversy around physician assisted suicide partially comes from the lack of knowledge surrounding it. Euthanasia, also known as voluntary active euthanasia is where the physician intentionally ends the patient’s life at the patient’s request and with their full informed consent (Emanuel, 2015). Nowhere in the United States is this legal. Passive euthanasia is when life-sustaining treatments are terminated such as respirators and artificial nutrition (Emanuel, 2015). Palliative sedation is considered ethical and involves administering drugs that pose a risk of death (Emanuel, 2015). There are numerous terms used to describe death and physician’s involvement so it is important to distinguish between the different terms to better educate patients. …show more content…

Those are in favor of legalizing this practice often refer to it as physician-aid-in-dying. Autonomy plays a huge part in arguments for this practice. It is believed that a patient has the “right to pursue their own personal view of what kind of life is best, including when and how to die” (Emanuel, 2015). Beneficence supports PAS. In some instances, people encounter more pain and suffering from living than death. PAS can also be considered no different than withdrawing a life-sustaining intervention (which is legal) because in both scenarios the patient consents to die (Emanuel, 2015). Lastly, research has found that it is still performed in areas where it is illegal. By legalizing, honesty, clarity, and transparency would be brought back to an existing practice (Emanuel, 2015). Overall, the theme is that it really is no different than passive …show more content…

The following are guidelines on things nurses can and cannot do. Nurses can provide care and comfort to the patient and family through all stages of the dying process, explain current law, be present during the patient’s self-administration of the medication, be involved in policy development, explore reasons for the request to name a few (Getter, 2013). Nurse cannot inject or administer the life-ending medication, subject peers, patients, and families to unwarranted or judgmental comments or actions, or abandon/refuse to provide comfort and safety measures to the patient (Getter, 2013). As with any licensure, that individual is responsible for following actions within their scope of practice. It is up to them to know their policies at an institutional and legal

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