The Pros And Cons Of Ethical Dilemmas

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Journal Entry One Ethics can be difficult due to the many different backgrounds people come from. It is difficult to know where their personal ethical compass sits. What one person thinks is completely acceptable another may not. Having a baseline in which to deal with ethical decisions helps to keep that waters from becoming muddied. I need to balance out my personal ethical choices, values, and moral decisions by looking at the situation through different lenses. I need to make sure I am not being “one way” and am weighing all the possible options that could possibly go with making a decision. I am curious to learn through class discussion and from you, our professor why certain ethical dilemmas need to be debated or that it is possible that I am not being open-minded about the situation. I have already seen some of this in our classroom discussions. It has been nice to see that people are …show more content…

It is not always our issue or our ethical consequence to consider. It can have different sides or issues, a before and after consequence for example. Sometimes an ethical consequence can be far worse if made evident after the issue has been dealt with versus while the issue is in the present, or ongoing, so to speak. Consequences can have far reaching effects on others, a trickle-down effect could ensue. Issues and how they are ethically dealt with can have far-reaching effects, effects beyond ourselves or our immediate group. I need to prioritize more. I have been so consumed with some aspects of my personal life that my school world feels as if it is spinning out of control. I call this “life interfering with life,” and it puts a greater amount of stress on me than I would like. It is difficult to make an ethical “choice” when all my issues need attention at once. I feel as if I have completely lost all control and I do not know exactly how to get in back in

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