The Pros And Cons Of Eating

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Eating clean can change an individual's life in many ways. The types of food a person puts into their body can change the direction of their life. To simplify clean eating, it is foods that have not been processed and are in more of their natural state. Whole foods mean shopping on the outsides of grocery store aisles. Eating lean grass-fed meats, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Staying away from processed foods, grain fed animals, dairy, starchy carbs, and sugar (Robyn). Clean eating a lot of times is based on a person’s definition. Many people who eat healthy can say a bowl of cottage cheese, for example, is healthy, but it is all perception. Many dietitians disagree and show facts of how dairy actually hurts the human body. People have …show more content…

Once newborns and calves are weaned, the growth rate is not as aggressive, digestive systems and immune systems become complete. To simplify, it means mothers milk is not needed nor appropriate. There is no reason to re-send children through growth, hormone, and immune messages that people and animals need when they are first born. Growing kids need energy, protein, healthy fats, micronutrients, but they do not need the other factors that milk contributes to. To conclude dairy, It Starts With Food says “Once a toddler is weaned and eating real food, there is no need to supplement his or her healthy diet with cow’s milk. (Not to mention that dairy consumption has been linked to a variety of medical conditions in children including acne, asthma, juvenile myopia, insulin resistance, and type 1 diabetes.)(Hartwig, …show more content…

Sugar can negatively affect the human body in numerous ways. The concerning thing about added sugars is that it is in most everything. People know sugar is in their cookies and ice cream, but most do not know it is in their salad dressing, pasta, and bread, and even meat products. At the University of North Carolina, they conducted a study of packaged food and drinks in the United States and found that 60% include some form of added sugar (Sanger-Katz). The average American consumes about twenty tablespoons of added sugar per day. An average female should have no more than six tablespoons a day and no more than nine for males. Americans think they are avoiding sugar but it can be under other names like corn syrup, agave nectar, palm sugar, cane juice, or sucrose

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