The Pros And Cons Of Dishwashing Products

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Everyday we walk around and see advertisements from many different companies, but I don’t think we ever really deeply think about the name of the products that we end up buying. We just know that we want that product and that we’re willing to spend our money on that product. But if you really take a deeper look at the many signs and advertisements you see every day some begin to stick out and really make you ask yourself “Why does this product have this name”? A good example is the dishwashing liquid named “Joy”, the name of the product makes no sense because it’s dishwashing liquid so there’s no way it could really bring you joy, if it brings any type of emotion it would probably bring sadness or anger because who truly enjoys washing dishes? …show more content…

You can easily make the assumption that the biggest buyer of that type of product tends to be women or housewives who cook dinner for their family and wash the dishes after their family enjoys a meal. So you kind of have to go into the mind of a housewife for a second and think would a housewife by a dishwashing liquid named with a negative name such as sadness, hatred, depression, etc. I’m pretty sure you can answer that question yourself pretty quickly and come to the conclusion that they wouldn’t prefer to purchase a product with that type of name. Also it makes you think no one would prefer to buy a product with a bland name over a product with a positive and happy name such as …show more content…

We buy every product for a reason and if there wasn’t a such thing as advertisement we would be buying products for no reason. There would be no competition between businesses and no product would be unique and different from products that have the same purpose, some people prefer to wash dishes with Dawn dishwashing liquid over Joy dishwashing liquid even though they have the exact same purpose. In some way one dishwashing liquids advertising was better than the other which makes the consumer prefer one dishwashing liquid over the other. In modern time we will all be advertised at almost 24/7 until we die. But if you really just take a look at the products that you 're buying and ask yourself why you 're buying that product it might help you be more efficient in buying the products that you think are better, when in reality you’re just feasting on all the advertisement that that product and company is feeding you when really that product isn’t the best and actually isn 't really that good compared to all of the others that didn’t stand out to

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