The Pros And Cons Of Cell Phones

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Drop what your doing and take a look around. What do you see? Are the people around you reading books, writing in a journal, or having a face-to-face conversation with someone? Or rather do you see people typing away at a computer, taking pictures with an electronic device, or are you listening to a stranger telling their life problems to their cellphone? Everywhere you go, people are looking down into their lap and using some sort of electronic device. Electronics are everywhere and are used for everything. We live in a world where you can pay for your purchases online. It is not even a requirement to carry money, a debit card, or a credit card with you anymore. All your money can be dealt with online and through your phone. Not only do you not have to worry about carrying money with you, but you do not have to carry your cars keys with you either anymore. There are apps that you can get on any electronic device that will lock and unlock your car doors, will automatically heat and start your car up, and can even tell you how much gas is in your car and how many miles you can go on it. All from the tips of your fingertips and the touch of a finger. Electronics are becoming a necessity in our everyday lives and soon nobody will be able to survive on their own. …show more content…

Opposing views may think that technology is the future and it is becoming a factor we are dependable on, that technology is improving in many places that helps us in our everyday life, and that technology and smart phones are huge communication tools that only makes our everyday lives a little more entertaining and easier. According to the "Technology and Society" article, it states that modern medicine has given humanity the ability to cure many diseases, extend human life, and in some cases improve the quality of

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