The Argumentative Essay: The Myth Of Asexuality

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"Everyone should be to choose, and build the type of relationship that works the best for themselves, and their partner(s)."- Macarena Eiras, I sit at lunch, sometimes wondering "Why do bullies target , and/or people who are not the same size, gender, have the same religion, the same sexuality as them." With so many different people out there you will hardly find anyone who agrees with you word for word. A growing problem in America with this is sexuality, teachers in a certain school from Minneapolis turn the other way if a student is getting bullied, or harassed if they have any sexual preference that is not straight. This sickens me, the thought of kids getting bullied in a place where they should feel safe over something that should not …show more content…

I would like to live in a world where not wanting to do anything (or anyone ;) ) is accepted. A common belief about Asexuality is "Asexuality means your 're a sex-less virgin." Which is not true it is the the lack of sexual attraction to anyone, having the same emotional needs and are capable of forming intimate relationships. "Asexuality is a myth." Komodo Dragon, Whiptail Lizards, Hammerhead Sharks, Parasitic Wasps are all types of Asexual animals. A real myth is Asexuality is a disorder that can be fixed by preforming the act of sex (even doing research I found a man telling people who are Asexual to get raped, or masturbate O.O) I blame the children of this generation, where young girls are …show more content…

I 'm... joking... in biologyterms this all mean; All sexual orientations get decided by a lot of interaction of polygenic traits, and genes, making that person THAT person. Now we go on to a touchy subject. The Bible is an extremely known/read book, It 's one of the most read books in the world!But its also where the Anti-Homosexual communities get their logic (And where I got mine.... JUST HERE ME OUT)The Bible says a lot of wonderful things... but also some horrible... Did you know the Bible WANTS you to keep slaves?? Also Hey, Ladies imagine; its summer and your going to the beach, you bought a brand new bikini, because a one-piece hurts you, you get to the beach and as are about to get into the water you die, in your bikini. Well according to the Bible you sinned, a woman may not wear anything to reviling/ sexy (someone should tell a lot of people

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