The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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“ The greatest destroyer of peace is Abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, What is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between us” ( Mother Teresa). Abortion is ( Pregnancy ended before birth ) is the ending of a pregnancy by removing an unborn baby in a very early life stage before it can survive outside the Uterus. In the United States, (pregnancy ended before birth) was practiced until about 1880, by which time most states had blocked/forbidden it except to save the life of the woman. Anti-(pregnancy ended before birth) laws (and law making) was part of a strong negative reaction against the growing movements for the right to vote and birth control. The type of pregnancy ended before the birth procedure …show more content…

A child is completely innocent. A child did not decide that his parents would have sex or that they would use ineffective contraception. An unborn child is always innocent and should never be punished.” (Kristi Burton Brown) It’s not the child 's fault that the parents didn’t used protection during sex. The child shouldn’t be punished do to the parents being irresponsible. “Words cannot explain the horrible heartbreak I feel knowing I was responsible for ending a life that was a gift from God.” (abort73) Mothers have abortions not realizing their ending a child 's life and once they realize what they have done they regret it and regrets always come back to remind what horrible act they have done. “I love my baby more than anything in this world, even though I wasn 't brave enough to keep it.” (abort73) The mother made the decision to get an abortion not thinking about the harm it will cause her life but she still realized that the love she has for her unborn baby remains. To conclude, Premature birth ought not be lawful in the United States since it rebuffs blameless

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