The Problems With College-Entrance Testing

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One of the most stressful experiences for a high school senior is the search for the college. So once these senior students finally develop a plan, why is it that they may not be able to achieve what they desire? Colleges and universities today are becoming more and more competitive, sometimes to the point of exclusive. With that it is fair to say that entrance to certain schools may be more difficult and extensive than the others based on popularity and demand. When this happens, colleges are looking for the best of the best in academics, the student who will represent and be the best for their institution. So what is the determining factor for college acceptance for students? The most accurate answer would be standardized test scores. While other factors are considered in acceptance, the ACT and SAT scores are what is most crucial to a student’s acceptance. Colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores when considering admission. Standardized test scores: limit diversity and creativity, represent skill more than progress, cause test taking anxiety, and result in inaccurate placement due to differently interpreted results. Due to these reasons, admission should be based on equal representation on all aspects of the applicant rather than a number that only defines how well a student can perform in their basic knowledge.

One of the biggest problems with standardized testing is that it limits diversity and creativity. When preparing for these standardized tests, teachers are expected to be responsible for a majority of student’s success. This causes teachers to teach to a test and does not allow for growth far beyond the minimum requirement. When one class has a broad range of students, academic wise, t...

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