The Problem Of Land Degradation

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A very serious issue in agriculture today is the topic of land degradation. Land degradation is not talked about among people because it is not a very well-known problem, although very serious for everyone in the short future if nothing is done to help. This is an issue that needs to get out to people more than it is right now or it might be trouble in the future. There are many different problems that can occur from land degradation and I will be explaining those and my proposal on how it might be a way to help with the issue. Land degradation is the human and environmental impact on the land. To explain this a little better, different impacts such as wind and water are major factors in soil erosion. Soil erosion is not good because it doesn’t only effect farmers and they’re crops, but affects everyone because the world’s population is on a drastic rise. If the problem with soil erosion keeps …show more content…

According to David R. Huggins and John P. Reganold, “Leaving crop residues on the soil surface helps to increase water infiltration and limit run-off.” (Huggins, Reganold, 2008, pg.4) Using this method will preserve more crop residue in the field and help keep more moisture in the ground for the crops to use by not letting as much water to be evaporated. This is beneficial to both the crops and the soil, while not allowing nearly as much of the soil to be eroded away by the wind on dry years or droughts. With this process keeping more of the old crop residue and not letting as much of the soil to be eroded and run off, comes one of the most beneficial pros to no-till farming. No-till farming stops the loss of the valuable top soils which contain the most important nutrients that the crops flourish from. When more of the top soil is saved the more nutrients the crops will have and that means a better yield from the crop without the farmer having to spread more fertilizer than they should have

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