Understanding GMOs: Benefits and Drawbacks

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Not many people have heard about GMOs, heaven knows Elena didn’t. The truth is even though you haven’t heard of them, you have probably eaten GMO foods at some point in your life. From being called frankenfood, to maybe ending hunger in certain countries, GMOs have many benefits and many drawbacks. Whether or not you are pro GMO or say no to GMOs, you have to know what they are first.
A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process, where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and forced into the genes of another unrelated plant or animal.Foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. They are usually altered to improve the plant or animal 's ability to grow in non-native …show more content…

Fans of GMOs say we will be able to feed more people because farmers can grow more food because their crops are more resistant to the environment. GMOs also put less stress on the environment, by using less chemicals, and less tilling. Because they require fewer pesticides, land and water, GMOs help keep food production costs down resulting in lower prices for consumers. Some GM foods have a longer shelf life, allowing it to be transported to other countries who don’t have nutrient rich food. Better nutrition in the foods such as vitamin A-enhanced rice, or "golden rice," that is helping to reduce global vitamin A deficiencies. Another benefit is that scientists have engineered plants to produce vaccines, proteins, and other pharmaceutical goods in a process called "pharming."In addition to plants there are some genetically modified animals, such as a salmon, that grows much faster than the non-GMO salmon. But with many benefits comes many concerns. In more than 60 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs. There are concerns over the fact that GMOs may lead to allergy risks, or even cause new allergies, although this has not been proven.Modified organisms may interbreed with natural organisms. This could lead to the extinction of the original organism or to other unpredictable environmental effects. Crops built to survive weed killer could breed with a weed and create a “superweed” which would be more resistant to pesticides, and it

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