The Problem Of Domestic Violence

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A problem has become known and to many, they feel that it's about time

that the general public has taken notice. This problem has been a taboo for

centuries and in the mid nineties it has chosen to let itself be known, the

problem that I am talking about is domestic violence, it has ruined families,

and demoralized the victims for years and now because of the "trial of the

century" we finally are allowed to discuss it in detail, without fear of

reprisal, now we get to familiarize ourselves with it and eventually after we

get to know all about it we can, through treatment, get rid of it. In this

paper, I will discuss problems with the so called epidemic of domestic violence.

This entire paper will be about domestic violence, and because of that I

feel it is important to note that "in most families men and women do not engage

in physically abusive behavior" (The Brown U.), but because the media feels that

it is their public duty to deceive us into believing that this problem is an

"epidemic" (Domestic V.) we feel that, that is the case. Webster's dictionary

defines epidemic as "a rapid spreading of a disease; to many people at the same

time", this is not the case with domestic violence, one it didn't just happen

overnight, it has just been popularized overnight, domestic violence has been

going on from as far back as anyone can remember and probably farther than that,

and two, this is not affecting many people at the same timem, because, as I've

stated before, "in most families men and women do not engage in physically

abusive behavior". If you as the reader gets anything out of this paper, it is

important to me as the writer, that you find that, while domestic violence is a

major problem for some families, it is by no means an epidemic.

The major reason domestic violence has become so widespread over the

last couple of years is because of the O. J. Simpson trial, as one person put it

"the O. J. Simpson case would do for domestic violence what Anita Hill did for

sexual harassment" (Domestic V.). The trial of the century brought a much

needed attention to a issue that for too long was pushed to the back burner;

domestic violence was a major issue in the case and it became evident, through

the mass publicity of the case, that women weren't crying wolf all these years,

because of "the murder of Nicole Brown ... the media would focus squarely on and

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