The Prevalence of Diabetes and Actions We Can Take to Prevent This Disease

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It has been said that approximately 21 million people in the United States, or 7% of the population, have been diagnosed with diabetes and about 6 million more who have this disease are unaware of it. That sounds like a lot, and in fact the worldwide number of people diagnosed with diabetes is climbing over 170 million. Where did this disease come from, and how many more people will it affect? ¶

Diabetes didn’t just appear one day. It evolved as most diseases do. Our ancient ancestors did not have the same lifestyle that we do today. Take for instance, during the ice age, they were meat eaters. There was very little plant life around so they had to hunt and fish for survival. Because of this their diet was primarily made up of protein. Their bodies were adapted to handle this way of life including all the physical exercise they did during their hunt for survival. This protein diet and very physically active lifestyle protected them from developing diabetes. Their body systems did not have to produce very much insulin to control the blood glucose levels. Over the years, we as a civilization went through many changes. Our bodies have had to adapt to that as well. When we evolved from eating only meat to eating more vegetation, due to growing crops, we started eating carbohydrates. As time went on we started processing those crops differently. We took the whole grains that we had been eating and refined them more in the milling process. By eating these refined grains,(flour), and vegetables, we in turn started raising our blood sugar levels and our bodies then had to produce more insulin to keep it at a normal level. Today it is much worse. We consume more fast food which is mostly simple carbohydrates, fats, and sugars, and...

... middle of paper ... nuts and avocados. ¶

If a person has type 1 diabetes, the chances are, they are going to have to take daily insulin injections and self monitor their blood sugar level. Some type 2 diabetics, depending on the stage of the disease, may be able to control it by monitoring their level without the use of medications. If the disease progresses they will be put on oral medication and then, if needed, injections (Emedicine health, 7). ¶

I am a person who wants to stay as healthy as possible. We all should do what we can to help prevent diabetes from developing. It is as simple as researching the proper diet, limiting or avoiding alcohol or tobacco, participate in an exercise program of at least 20 minutes three times per week, and we should be and need to be proactive when it comes to defending our bodies against diabetes. Our lives depend on it. ¶

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