The Present - Original Writing

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The Present - Original Writing

Tick Tick Tick. As Alem lay on his bed the clock drew closer to

midnight, more importantly closer to his thirteenth birthday. Alone.

Distressed. Sad. Just as the clock hit twelve, the light went off and

then he could hear the door creak. The moonlight from the window in

his room helped Alem make out a gigantic figure that stepped in his

room. Alem froze, thunderstruck. The ugly, vicious monster looked very

gruesome as it drew an axe very near to Alem, who could not help

shout, 'Aaaaaaaa!'

Alem was sure he was going to die, but he was wrong. The next moment

he saw the monster transform, noticing that the lights came back on.

He could hear voices downstairs in the living room. He could not

believe his eyes. It was his parents. Alem should have known that the

monster was his Mum and Dad as they were both actors. He could make

out a chorus of 'Happy Birthday!' from them and Alem ran for a hug. He

was so happy that he had tears of joy and happiness in his eyes. Alem

followed his parents to the living room, where he saw the birthday

decorations which he thought were put on when he lay on his bed

minutes ago. He could hear more birthday wishes from his relatives and

friends who were pestering him about how he had reacted to the


Alem stared at the beautiful decorations as his mind clicked

something, his favourite thing about birthdays - Presents. Alem simply

loved presents. He could make out his parents behaving rather

secretive recently. They were hiding something from Alem which he did

not know about. Alem saw a pile of wrapped presents in a corner. He

rushed towards it, but, 'Alem, dear, could you leave those for later,'

said his Mum. Why did Mum have to say that, Alem asked himself.

Disappointed but excited, Alem trudged towards his cake.

Alem really enjoyed the surprise birthday party. 'About time,' said

Alem as the last guest slammed the door shut.

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