The Prejudiced Message of Merchant of Venice

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The Prejudiced Message of Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice portrays a prejudiced message. This is

first evident in Act one when Shylock openly says to himself, "I hate him

because he is a Christian....May my people be cursed if I forgive him!"

All throughout the book the Christians are battling with the Jews and

neither of them will listen to the other because their hearts are filled

with intense prejudice. Antonio proves that he is unwilling to change his

feelings toward Shylock when he says, "I'm likely to call you names again,

spit on you again, and shun you again." They don't seem to realize that

their prejudiced attitudes could get someone (Antonio) killed.

There are different times during the play that Shylock could be

viewed as a villain and other times that he could be seen as a sympathetic

character. When he doesn't allow his daughter, Jessica to marry Lorenzo

just because he's a Christian, that's when we start to think that Shylock

just isn't a very nice guy. But he was also the target of a lot of

prejudice himself. Antonio didn't like him because he was a Jew, and he

let Shylock know his feelings. However, two wrongs don't make a right.

In other words, just because Antonio hated Shylock and spit in his face,

there's no reason why Shylock couldn't just show Antonio love or just stay

away from him. Shylock chose to get revenge, so he probably would be

viewed as a villain.

Prejudice doesn't get anyone anywhere.

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