The Power of Failure

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There is a common misconception that failure is a bad thing. Many people who fail at something are often called losers, but if those people learn from their losses, they are actually winners. Failure teaches people that they are just like everybody else, and that success is gained from hard work and determination. When people fail at something important in their lives and decide to try again, they tend to regain their confidence and persist with great resilience. Many of the best lessons people learn in life come from the mistakes they have made and the knowledge they gained from their mistakes.

A good example of failure being the best teacher is in business matters. People with excess money often invest in businesses they know little or nothing about. They put their trust into what they have been told because that is easier than setting up the business on their own. Other people often manage the business, and the only knowledge the investors have is from what they have been told and what they see accounted for in books and records. When their business fails, they rare...

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