The Power Of God Essay, By Stephen Crane

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The first line of Stephen Crane’s poem, “God fashioned the ship of the world carefully” reveals that this poem is one with a religious theme. Crane begins the poem with a description that seems similar to the story of creation. This poem shows the power of God and his actions in creating his masterpiece. It shows the work that God put into creating this “ship” and how proud he was of this creation. The poem makes an unexpected turn at line seven. At line seven there is a disruption in the calm story. Crane states, “Then—at fateful time—a wrong called” (7). This line is the beginning of an explanation of the influences outside of God’s will and plan for the “ship” that he had carefully crafted. This turn was the end of the calm and smooth sail …show more content…

In the fourth and fifth lines of the poem, Crane states, “He held the rudder/ ready for adjustment” (4-5). In these lines of the poem the rudder is being compared to God’s control over things in life. The rudders of a boat are the controls used to steer. These lines show that much like the rudders on a boat, God was in control and steered the world in the right direction. God had complete control and made adjustments to the ship when it needed them, much as he does in life when things often veer off course. God created something that he believed would sustain the passengers of the ship. He created this wonderful ship and kept it on a smooth sail, but his plans for the course of the ship was pushed to the side and lost. The seventh and eighth lines of the poem introduces the point in which God realized that his ship was heading off course. In line seven Crane states, “Then—at fateful time—a wrong called / And God turned, heeding” (7-8). This was ultimately the result of God giving man free-will. Once free-will was put into place, God was no longer the sole captain of the ship, but one of many co-captains. Man were given the ability to make their own decisions, whether those decisions were right or wrong. Man was now front and center, taking control of the ship. God constructed this ship for the sustainability of man, but man has taken it off its course, and is leading it in a way that is not pleasing to God. This was the beginning of the forever journey of the ship being lost at sea, with no clear plan or path. Man needed God to remain in control because without him the ship would never be able to make it to its

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