The Power Of Adolf Hitler

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Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party who made a commanding impact on World War II. Hitler became a man of great power over a short period of time. Although he was not elected to be chancellor of Germany until 1933, there were events that occurred before that led to his greatness. He was born in Austria however he was the absolute ruler of Germany. In view of that fact that Hitler became chancellor, Hitler believed that he could do anything, which caused the Enabling Act. “…The Enabling Act, which suspended the constitution for four years and allowed Nazi laws to take effect without parliamentary approval”(Hunt & Martin, 850). Hitler was able to bolt for freedom with anything he had a desire for. The way that he led his Nazi-Germans was contrasting because no other leader, dictator, or commander was ever able to do what Hitler was able to. “At the same time, the media allowed authoritarian rulers and would-be dictators such as Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler to shape uniform political thought and to control citizens’ behavior far beyond what previous rulers had been able to do” (Hunt & Martin, 829). Adolf Hitler has made a substantial effect on society during his time, and still has today.
Hitler was possible due to a high-ranking authoritative position. Adolf Hitler made it seem as if he was going to make everything better. The economy during his time period was substandard. Because of Hitler trying to prove that he was going to make the world better, people believed in him and shadowed his lead.
“Among these dictators was Adolf Hitler, who called on the German masses to restore the national glory that had been damaged by defeat in 1918. He urged German scorn democratic rights and roo...

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... and fascism offered bold new approaches to modern politics. These ideologies maintained that democracy was effeminate and that it wasted precious time in building consensus among citizens. Totalitarian leaders’ military style made representative government and the democratic values of the United States, France, and Great Britain appear feeble- a sign that these societies were on the decline. Totalitarianism put democracies on the defensive as they aimed to restore prosperity while still upholding individual rights and the rule of law”(Hunt & Martin, 852).
Many European countries had to deal with totalitarian regimes with violence and fights. Adolf Hitler was possible because he used totalitarianism in making the people of Germany believe that he would improve things but, after he was elected, he let everyone down and did things the exact way, as he wanted them.

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