The Possiblities of Genetically Engineered Food

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Genetically engineering food could be a viable possibility to ending the problem world hunger. There are many advantages to this solution but there are also disadvantages. This paper will aim to show both the advantages and disadvantages. I also hope to show the environmental impact that it could have.

What is genetically engineered food? Genetically engineered foods are created when genes from plant and non-plant species are modified and transferred to create a food species that has certain desired effects such as being drought or pest resistant (Whitman, Deborah, 2000). When food is genetically engineered in a lab the traits that are desired from the species can be obtained with great accuracy (Whitman, Deborah, 2000). Genes can even be transferred between different plant and non-plant species (Whitman, Deborah, 2000). It is possible for scientist to do this because all organisms are comprised of genes and DNA (Jones, Leighton, 1999). During this process plasmids (naturally found in bacteria) are used to modify the genes (Jones, Leighton, 1999).

There can be many advantages to using genetically engineered foods. One of these advantages is that we can create crops that are pest resistant (Whitman, Deborah, 2000). Crop loss through pests can be very costly and also cause farmers to use pesticides which could be harmful to the environment and/or human health (Whitman, Deborah, 2000). Creating crops that are pest resistant can be beneficial in that the farmer will not lose money to crop loss and will not have to use dangerous pesticides (Whitman, Deborah, 2000). These crops can also resist diseases and droughts (Health Worldnet, 2008). Having plants that are drought resistant can be very beneficial in that farmers can g...

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