The Positive Effects Of Divorce On Children

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“Divorce isn 't such a tragedy. A tragedy 's staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce” (Weiner, 2010). Jennifer has some points in this quote. It is quite a tragedy to stay in a marriage where you aren’t happy and nobody has died of a divorce, but did she think about the impact that divorce can really have on a child? Divorce is defined as “a judicial declaration dissolving a marriage in whole or in part, especially one that releases the marriage partners from all matrimonial obligations” ( By learning about previous research done over divorce, we will learn about how divorce can have an influence on children being effected by divorce and the ways they view …show more content…

Lee (2007) hypothesizes that parent-child relationships are a main family process that effects children’s romantic relationships. Lee looked at two roles that parental-child relationships. The first role is “parent-child relationships, and children’s romantic relationships. The second role is a moderation role between parental divorce and children’s romantic relationships” (Lee, 2007, p. 16). The results of the study show that there is a indirect effect of parental divorce on children and their romantic relationships, especially concerning father-daughter relationships. In families where the parents are still together, relationships with the father were significantly related to satisfaction in the children’s romantic relationships. Now, we will look at the different effects of parental divorce and marital conflict on young adult romantic …show more content…

The data that they collected included the timing and number of separations and divorce from age birth to fifteen, the outcomes of partnership in sixteen to thirty year olds relating to positive and negative partner relationships, adjustment problems, and violence victimization. Lastly they also looked at possible covariate factors. What they found was significant associations between children experiencing childhood parental separations/divorce and negative relations, adjustment problems, and perpetration of interpartner

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