The Pneumatic Nail Gun

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Nail guns have become a staple on most construction cites due to their inexpensiveness and efficiency to get the job done quicker, though they can be quite dangerous. The nail gun is a tool that was originally invented to speed up the construction of housing floor sheathing and sub-floors. Nail guns have acquired more uses over the years of its existence and have also been powered by different power sources. Before the time of the nail gun the only way of nailing anything was with a hammer and nails. With the invention of the nail gun, it has replaced the hammer in many ways as the tool of choice among many builders. With the hammer and nails process, work was very slow and tedious, requiring much work. With the nail gun, workers can practically cut the time in half and then some compared to a hammer. The pneumatic nail gun (compressed air powered) pictured (See figure 1) looks to be a late 1960’s model of a Paslode brand nail gun, pretty close to the time the first Pneumatic nail gun was invented. From what I have gathered these nail guns were first used for flooring and subflooring.
After six years, the United States economy is finally starting to accelerate. Though we may feel as if the economy is not recovering, it is. Housing and stock prices are rising, the unemployment rate is falling, and the government’s budget is shrinking. In years to come the housing market is projected to be up nearly 16% in the year 2018, with that being said it will be a good time to be in that business. While this market is slowly but surely coming back to life, hard working men and women are still doing their jobs as construction workers. This present day is not the only time that the construction business has not been so good.

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... there is no doubt that the construction industry will strive in the years to come. With the invention of the nail gun it changed the way construction workers do their jobs. Modern technology has changed the way workers do their jobs today.

Works Cited

Gueningsman, Ryan. “Original Nail Gun Idea Started in Winsted.” Herald Journal. Web. 16 April. 2014.
Gueningsman, Ryan. “The Nail Gun is Born.” The Journal of Light Construction. Web. 16 April. 2014.
“Nail Gun Injuries.” Bituminous Insurance Safety News Briefs. (2008). Web. 16 April. 2014.
Freeman, Tyson. “THE 1950s: Post-war America Hitches Up and heads for the 'Burbs.” National Real Estate Investor. (1999). Web. 16 April. 2014.
“Old Nail Gun.” Photograph. Dreamstime. Web. 16 April. 2014.
“Nail Gun Injuries.” Photograph. Working Safely Is No Accident. Web. 16 April. 2014.

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