The Pilgrimage To Mecca

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Islam is one of the three largest religion and the youngest Abrahamic faith. Islam with its strict rules and rituals requires an individual Muslim to complete one pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime. This annual pilgrimage is called Hajj. The Quran mandates:
“‘And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass - That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor. Then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows and perform Tawaf around the ancient House.’” (Quran 22:27-29) Hajj is one of the …show more content…

The Hajj is obligatory, but for those unable to perform this ritual, a proxy is appointed. The pilgrimage was patterned by Muhammad, in imitation of Abraham. The pilgrimage begins once the believer enters Mecca, they undergo a state of purity and holiness called Ihram. They clothe themselves in white seamless garments and they are forbidden to cut their hair or nails during the pilgrimage. During this time, Mecca becomes a bustling pilgrim city and millions of pilgrims flock the city. According to an Associated Press article, “The Muslim Hajj Pilgrimage in Numbers”, an estimated 2.35 million pilgrims attended the Hajj in 2017 (Associated Press). Pilgrims walk around the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction, called Tawaf, each pilgrim touching, kissing, or even pointing towards the Black Stone. After this, the pilgrim prays twice in the direction of the Kaaba and the Place of Abraham (Maqam Ibrahim). They run seven times, called Sa’ay, between Mt. Safa and Mt. Marwah near the Kaaba. After which the pilgrims are reminded of their duties, called the Day of Arafah. Supplication, repentance, and atonement for past sins is performed. An Islamic scholar delivers a sermon from Jabal al-Rahmah (Mount of Mercy), the same place where Muhammad delivered his last sermon. This whole ceremony last from noon through sunset. This …show more content…

This separation is understood as caused by sin. As Friedrich Nietzsche in his book, The Antichrist, puts it, “an imaginary psychology (nothing but misunderstandings of self, interpretations of pleasant or unpleasant general feelings; for instance of the states of the nervus sympathicus, with the help of the sign language of a religio-moral idiosyncrasy, repentance, pangs of conscience, the temptation of the devil, the presence of God)” (Nietzsche 13). It offers a remedy for a self-diagnosis, sin. The Hajj allows the individual to meditate, where the believer examines his conscience. Prayer has this therapeutic effect, often compared to the placebo effect, where the individual is improved psychologically through a neutral stimuli. In the article by Heather A. Warfield, Stanley B. Baker, and Sejal B. Parikh Foxx called “The therapeutic value of pilgrimage: a grounded theory study,” it states that, “... participants were captured by the following initial codes: making meaning; making a decision; connecting with others; feeling welcomed; connecting with history; becoming aware; marking time; figuring out priorities; reflecting; being comforted; contrasting; gaining knowledge; gaining perspective or witnessing serendipitous events” (Warfield et al. 866). Religion uses rituals to allow individuals to unite themselves with a higher being and tap into the subconscious. This god

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