The Piano Research Paper

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A Brief History of the Piano The piano is one of man’s greatest musical creations. It was created in 1700 by an Italian of the name Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco. The Piano has forever left an impression on our culture since it was created, the pianos has been in many movies, it has been used in countless songs and has been made incredibly popular by the many famous musicians that have played it. It used to be an instrument only the wealthy could have, now that it has been made affordable it has become the most famous instrument ever. The piano was created by Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco in 1700. When the piano was first crafted it was the by-product of the Harpsichord. The official name of the piano is “Pianoforte” …show more content…

The piano is one of the most versatile instruments ever. The reason it is one of the most versatile instruments is because it can be played in almost any genre, from classical music to modern day rap the piano can be played in almost everything. It can be played in solos and it can be played in the background while other instrument play alongside it. Once one decides to learn the piano it will be hard to learn at first. Nonetheless after one has dedicated themselves to it and once one has achieved “mastery” the opportunities that will arise for that individual will be …show more content…

From Mozart to modern day famous athletes. The piano has been played by almost every kind of human being. To the biggest outcast to the most popular world leader, the piano draws in everyone in some shape way or form. This is what makes the piano so very popular, and what will continue to draw many more to want to play this instrument. The famous musicians that have played it have varied from the centuries past. In the past, the main musicians who played this instrument were high-class and were very well known and respected at the time. Even if the music that they created wasn’t the most popular thing while they were alive after their deaths, their music almost became that of “legend” and some might even look up to them as some look up to today’s artist. The artist of today however have had it easier to play music on the piano and people falling in love with it as soon the new song comes out. Because of sources such as “YouTube”, “Spotify”, and “SoundCloud” that release new tracks from artist very quick. More people will hear and might be inspired to learn the piano that is in the new song. Finally, the piano has been, will be, and will continue to be one of man’s most favorite and culturally marked instruments ever. Since the rise of upcoming new artist is very prominent in the 21st century one might bet that the piano will not go out of style anytime soon. The history

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