The Philosophy of Learning

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While it seems as if some people are born with leadership qualities, they are no more likely than the average person to become great leaders if they do not put into practice effective leadership strategies. Natural born leaders may seem to exhibit many characteristics of effective leadership, but no leader, no matter how great, can excel at every area of leadership. Being a great leader requires realistic reflection of strengths and weaknesses. Leaders should build on their strengths and build a team exhibiting skills that make up for the leader’s weaknesses. Knowing which strategies are effective in leadership, how to improve strengths, or how to identify weaknesses can be a challenge even for highly experienced leaders. John Maxwell has written the book, The Twenty-One Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, as a guide for leaders who are striving to improve their effectiveness. Each of the laws is necessary to achieve maximum impact as a leader. However, because no leader is able to implement all of the twenty-one laws well, it is important that a leadership team be developed. As the laws do not build upon one another, they can be learned individually and do not need to be learned in order. It is beneficial to be familiar with all of the laws, however, because they are the foundation of good leadership. Maxwell suggests that the laws are complementary, but not dependent on one another. Some of the laws may be learned independently of one another, but others are so closely connected that one could not implement one law without the help of another. For example, by implementing the Law of Navigation, leaders would lead their followers through difficult situations in order to reach the desired aspirations of the company. In order for leade...

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...ers may be accomplished by having veteran teachers take on the role of mentors for new teachers. Administrators may also empower teachers to become leaders in grade level lesson plan teams, curriculum development, school event planning, or even overseeing extracurricular activities happening on school grounds. In order for administrators to achieve great success for their schools, they must serve their staff and gain their trust, confidently navigate them to achieve a realistic, but great vision for their school, and empower them to do their jobs well and train them to lead others to do the same.

Works Cited

De Rooy, L. (2013). Lenny’s Alice in wonderland site [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Maxwell, J.C. (2007). The twenty-one irrefutable laws of leadership. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

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