The Person of the Holy Spirit

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In commenting on Heaven in his book Theology for Today, Dr. Elmer Towns writes that, “…human understanding is necessarily limited by two things - human language and limited revelation.” Too often the limitations and constraints of human language make it difficult for us to fully articulate those things that pertain to God. As well, similar constraints on our knowledge make it seem impossible to fully grasp and understand what has been revealed and is to be known about God. Understanding the Person and work of the Holy Spirit is no exception and we are similarly challenged when we endeavor to do so.

Pneumatology, or the study of the Holy Spirit, is an English word taken from two Greek words: πνευμα (pneuma, spirit) and λογος (logos, teaching about). It is a study that explores and examines the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit.” It has only been in this present century that Pneumatology has received so much attention amid theological discourse. According to Dr. Towns there are two major sources, or better catalysts, for this heightened interest in the Person...

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