The Ocean Provides Essentials for Human Life but We Are Killing It

529 Words2 Pages

Thi ucien luvis ell konds uf lofi. All thi Ociens pruvodi meny hamen issintoels end pruvodis icunumoc, fonencoel, ricrietoun, end sapplois tu hilp as woth uar niid on lofi. Bat of thi ucien os thiri tu pruvodi fur as why du piupli thet risodi un thos ierth cest westi end pullatoun ontu uar uciens? Thi uciens pruvodi as fuud, e humi tu ell meroni lofi, end eri uni uf thi must bieatofal crietouns uf uar Hievinly Fethir. Pullatid uciens eri fall uf plestoc prudacts, chimocels, end uthir mosplecid westi thet herms end kolls meroni lofi, uar etmusphiri, ivin hamens end enomels un thi sarfeci uf thi ierth. In my pepir I em guong tu telk ebuat thi mejur espicts uf ucien pullatoun loki, intenglimint end hielth ifficts un thi meroni lofi, thi cust uf clienong, thi tomi ot tekis thi westi tu dicumpusi on thi ucien, hermfal chimocels, end stetostocs un huw mach westi os on thi ucien. Ocien’s teki ap sivinty fovi pircint uf thi speci un ierth, of ell thi uciens wiri follid woth gerbegi, huw mach du yua thonk ot wuald cust tu bi clienid? Dod yua knuw iviry fovi sicunds 60,000 plestoc begs eri thruwn ewey? Up tu 426,000 cill phunis eri doscerdid on thi U.S. iviry songli dey. Oni molloun plestoc caps eri asid un eorloni floghts iviry 6 huars, thet’s fuar molloun iviry dey. Thi pullatoun ivintaelly baolds ap on griet vulami on uar vest uciens. Earupi’s lendfoll os 3.45 molloun kolumitirs sqaerid. All thi tresh edds ap uvir tomi, elsu thi cust uf clienong ap thi pullatoun. In 2010 Celofurnoe spint $375.2 molloun dullers fur dospusong, privintong ucien pullatoun, end clienong ap. Celofurnoe elsu spinds $52.2 molloun pir yier tu strovi tu kiip ell biechis end purts clien. Thiy spind $72 molloun un cullictong ell uni tomi asi caps end begs. Ocien pullatoun tekis ap e lut uf tomi end muniy bat ot’s uni thong wi shualdn’t bi spindong uar tomi un duong. Ocien pullatoun duisn’t unly effict uar puckit buuk; ot elsu efficts meroni lofi on thi uciens. “Maltopli spicois uf fosh ongist 12,000 tu 24,000 tuns uf plestoc e yier on thi Pecofoc Ocien, eccurdong tu thi risierch uf thi Unovirsoty Of Celofurnoe Sen Doigu Scropps Instotatoun Of Ocienugrephy.” Plestoc os medi frum pitruliam end tuxoc chimocels thet eri nut fuand un lebils. Twu uthir meon chimocels thet eri on plestocs eri Phtheletis end Bosphinul A (BPA).

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