The North Lobby

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On 03-Aug-2015, at approximately 2240 hours, while the writer was doing his regular patrol around the North Lobby, the writer came across a highly intoxicated female lying down on the ground by the elevators. The writer approached the individual and asked her if she needs help. The individual was on the phone with someone and refused any kind of help, so the writer asked the individual if she can get up and set on the couches in the North Lobby. The individual tried to get up, but was not able to get up by herself and asked the writer if she can hold his hand. The writer let her grabbed his hand, but the individual was not stable, fell down and hit her head against the wall. The writer asked her if she was fine and the individual said that she is fine. The writer grabbed her both hands, left her up, walked her to the couches and …show more content…

While the MRU officer was having a conversation with the individual, the individual’s phone was on and someone was on the line, so the MRU officer spoke to the person. The MRU officer was told by the individual that he is her boyfriend and he will pick her up in approximately 20 minutes. As the individual was being highly intoxicated and unstable, the officers cancelled the Taxi and decided to take her to Emergency. The individual had cut wound on her left arm wrist and some bruises on her right arm . The officers helped the individual to a Wheelchair and wheeled her to the Emergency. Upon arrival at the Emergency Check-in area, the officers briefed the clinical staff about what have happened. The individual was verbally aggressive and was keep falling down the wheelchair, so the clinical staff brought a stretcher and put her on it. The individual started stripping off her clothes and took off her jacket. S/O P.kaur covered her with the individual’s own jacket, later on with a blanket. The individual was rolled to EHS for farther

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