The New Generation Of Nursing

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Personally, I will be included in all this new generation of nursing. I will contemplate the new changes and system improvement that will contribute to the advancement of nursing. Challenges and opportunities will be unavoidable since it is the major force to step up for the major changes. Diverse cultural background likewise individual perspectives are everyday seen in health settings and expect culturally competent delivery of care. To assist in this fact, judgment and stereotyping must be excluded. Self-evaluation about my thinking that may impair care to this patient must be applied before entering into direct contact with their care. Acculturation is the assimilation of other cultures different than mine. Persistent professional growing is my vision and goal until advanced practice care might be attain. The health care reform is bringing a bunch of changes and that is right. New pathways will be open to competent nurses and I will be involved. Since I am a new nurse, I had the offer to work for a hospital. This institution follows the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendations....

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