The Negative Speech: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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I. Problem Statement Since the ancient times the drug known as marijuana has been used for multiple reasons. From using it to just get high off of the THC, to using the oil from the plant for healing purposes, it’s always been a part of human history. One of the earliest recorded uses of marijuana dates back to 2737 B.C. in China, but did not stop there (Burnett). From North Africa to India it is widely known as the healing herb and used as such. In ancient times marijuana was used to treat things such as gout, rheumatism, malaria, and in some cases absent mindedness along with a million other sicknesses. In the United States Marijuana is one of the top three drugs used by adults. Marijuana may have dangerous aspects about it but no more than alcohol or cigarettes. Keeping it The Unites States would become a tourist attraction for smoking pot. This could be a bad or a good thing. However, there could be an increase of marijuana leaving the country to other places that don’t allow it. America is a power house of a country and we have ties to many others. Our decisions need to not only be the best for ourselves as a country, but as a world. VII. Rebuttal of Opposition The people opposing marijuana legalization due in fact have many great points, but they are points that can be solved. Alcohol for example has so many more dangerous features than marijuana does that we know of at this time. People overuse alcohol and in many cases die. The amount of people that die from marijuana overdoses is exactly zero. The amount of weed that you would need to ingest is so insane that it cannot be done. Cigarettes too have many health risks, but that does stop people from enjoying them. Things such as an early death, heart attacks, lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, and even more prove that health risks aren’t enough to stop the people from using them. VIII.

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