Sleep Essay

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In today’s world, we are surrounded by innovative technology that helps us speed up our day to day lives. We can now communicate, learn, and process information faster than ever. As people’s daily tasks become faster, it seems less time is focused on other important tasks. Many people today are so focused on their busy lives and work schedules, that they are beginning to neglect an important process of the body known as sleep. Sleep is not only a vital process but it also helps the body restore from injury or illness, process information and memories, and renew cognitive brain function. Sleep also helps to boost the immune system, and supply energy so someone can function throughout their day. A healthy sleep schedule is so essential to someone’s …show more content…

Sleep has played an important role people’s cultures for many years. It has been the center of many cultural stories, and it was even believed that sleep slowed down our bodies natural processes. Throughout time, many cultures have tried to give reasoning behind how people fall asleep. The Greeks believed that blood filling the vessels is what caused the brain to sleep, and in the middle ages they thought it was the effect of “animal humors.” Whatever the reason for how we fall asleep, many cultures have tried to delve deeper into the mysteries of sleep. Today, researchers believe that sleep is not caused from inactivity in the brain, but rather sleep itself is an active process. This means that the process of sleep stems from activity within the brain, resulting in the different cycles of sleep or the REM cycles. The different cycles determine how deep a person’s sleep is, and its effectiveness. Most of the information regarding sleep cycles was not made apparent until the 1960s. It seems that science has only began to learn about sleep and its functionality within the brain and people’s lives. (sleep and dreaming pg 15). Morever, Sleep can be a difficult thing to determine in an individual. A person could have their eyes closed and body still, but may not be sleeping. That is why researchers use a polysomnography to study the different stages of sleep. A polysomnography records a person’s brain waves, eye movements, and neck muscle tension. The recordings of the brain, eye movement, and neck muscle tension, are all contributing factors in the process of sleep. By measuring each, researchers are able to better measure the effects of sleep on the body and the brain. It’s through these recordings that brain wave characteristics of sleep begin appear, and the process of nautral sleep occurs. A researcher may also take recordings from other organs such as these

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