The Negative Effects Of My Parents Marriage

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There are positive and negative things about my parents marriage just like every marriage has. Some positive thing about their marriage are; they are very hard working people, they do their best to make our lives easier and fun, and they do whatever it takes for us to do what we want to do. The negatives about it are they fight so much that it affects our whole family greatly, they never like to go to hang out with each others families,and they are always stressed which stresses the rest of us out. My dad drinks every night which scares me because that is not healthy physically and mentally. I would pray about it every day and would think about it in the shower to get closer to god. In the Brashaw book, Bradshaw would be all for calling out to god and being close to him because he states on step that is spiritual awakening which is, “ We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with god as we understand him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out” (Bradshaw 94). I …show more content…

I learned that I was following after my dad because I would treat my girlfriend the way he treats my mom sometimes which is not okay all and I stopped and thought about how I was acting and I learned to change because that is not who I am inside. I was so affected by him being an alcoholic that I have anxiety attacks at night and always hear my dad and mom yelling in my head and I start to panic. I know my family was affected too and Bradshaw would agree because he states, “ Dysfunctional families are primarily created by high levels of anxiety due to some form of stress. Our ability to deal with stress is a mark of our maturity level, which is partly measured by our ability to cope with the stressor effectively

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