The Negative Effects Of Kindergarten

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Should parents decide to retain their child in kindergarten and if so, will retaining children in kindergarten cause a negative impact on their social and emotional development?

Kindergarten used to be a time for learning through play. The curriculum consisted of learning to use scissors, crayons and very basic skills. Teachers never held children back unless they were still too young to begin first grade. Today kindergarten isn’t quite as relaxed as it used to be. For example, children are already beginning to learn math and reading skills. This new curriculum helps children meet new learning standards imposed by the government. Some children might need more time to absorb all the information they will need to know by first grade. For …show more content…

Scientists would need to determine if holding a child back who is already struggling can put them further behind socially and or emotionally. For example, would these children show more problem behaviors or have more negative attitudes toward school? Scientist would need to do background research by analyzing children who were retained and see how well they adjusted to school on a social level. Scientists would also need to observe these children carefully to see if they present more behavioral problems than their peers. They would need to determine if there’s a negative effect or a positive effect on children that repeated a grade. Scientist would have to analyze these results and come to a conclusion to see if there’s a social or an emotional impact on these children’s behavior. The strength of this method as it applies to the research question is that parents will get to see if there’s any negative impact on social or emotional development when it comes to retaining their child. The weakness of this method as it applies to the research question is that there’s no definite answer and each child is unique and may cope differently to certain situations. Also, some children will not show any social or emotional development right away but …show more content…

Children are struggling to keep up with their peers because some children might need more time to absorb all the information they will need to know by first grade. For this reason the number of children being held back is rapidly increasing in schools. Therefore, scientists will constantly need to define and identify the problem. For instance, why are these children falling behind? Scientists will have to form a hypothesis, and make observations as to why these children are struggling. Moreover, they will need to organize and analyze data to support the hypothesis before drawing a conclusion and figuring out a solution as to why these children are struggling. These steps of the scientific method apply to the research question because it allows scientists to study if it’s beneficial for children to repeat kindergarten. Will these children succeed academically in comparison to their non-retained peers? Will there be a negative impact socially and or emotionally when comparing them to their non-retained peers? These are the questions scientists will be able to answer when they apply these steps of scientific methods to the research question. For instance, when applying the scientific method to the question of whether or not a parent should retain their kindergartener, it allows scientists to observe and analyze the issue at

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