The Negative Effects Of Doctor Assisted Suicide

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Doctor assisted suicide is the act of voluntarily ending one’s own life with the help of a physician either directly, through lethal injection, or indirectly, through pharmaceutically administered pills. Doctor assisted suicide is wrong because it preys on the weak, corrupts the patient-doctor relationship as well as family relationships, and because murder is unethical. Nonetheless, “the issue of whether human beings — and more pointedly, doctors — have the right to help others die has been in the public discourse since before the birth of Christ”(Pickert). At the present time, doctor assisted suicide is still illegal in most places in America with the exception of California, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. Straightaway, the issue of murder …show more content…

The freedom of choice or free will is important to all decision making. “According to psychiatrists, cases of freely chosen suicides are an exception among all suicides”(Oduncu). “Fewer than 10% of all suicides fall under” the category of free will (Oduncu). These cases are so rare because of the extreme conditions most suicides are inspired under. The effects of their illness may lead the patient to choose suicide. The free will of a patient can also be taken from them by outside influences. “When the network of social relations influences the act of suicide, the act of suicide can no longer be regarded as free”(Oduncu). The social aspect can take away free will because many of those who choose suicide would do so because they would not want to be burdens on the ones they love. Many patients would also choose to take their lives to avoid financial problems. Medication can also have an effect on the patient 's ability to clearly and freely choose suicide. Doctor assisted suicide would also promote families to see their disabled or ill family member as a burden. This could cause families to pressure their ill relatives into suicide. This pressure would cause many families to fall into disorder. “Vulnerable people must be protected from influence by others to choose death”(Gallagher). With all of these factors it would be nearly impossible to prevent patients from choosing suicide while lacking their free

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