The Negative Effects Of Divorce And Its Effects On Children

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An eight year old lies in bed trying to drift off to sleep. He should have been to sleep hours ago. However, he has been up listening to his parents argue in the room down the hall. “All you do is drink all day, I am sick of it!” his mother screams at his intoxicated father. Instead of jumping out of bed and rushing into their bedroom after he hears a slap that is followed by his mother’s painful wail, he lies in bed with silent tears rolling down his face. Any other child would have run into their parents’ bedroom trying to put an end to the whole situation, but he is used to this kind of behavior. This has been happening every night for the last couple of months. While this may seem extreme, it is only one of many scenarios that can lead …show more content…

They are so busy arguing and trying to get away from one another that they may not notice changes in their children. Divorce is a substantial change for a child, regardless of age. Children watch their parents fall out of love and move onto a completely different life. With going back and forth between households, while also dealing with the turmoil that happens after the divorce, children often do not have time to heal from the previous events. The effects that a problematic divorce may have on children are so strong that it follows them well into adulthood (Gruber). Children are not only affected emotionally but also mentally (Gruber). I speak from experience, having gone through a rough divorce when I was a child. From the arguments down the hall when they were together to having to choose which parent I would spend my birthday with, the stress of it never went away. As an adult now, I can say that on account of what I saw, heard, and went through during and after my parents’ divorce, there are still parts of my life that I struggle with. The impact of a contentious divorce can affect a child well into adulthood, making several aspects of their lives difficult to …show more content…

They do not think that their children understand everything that goes on during the divorce. Therefore, in their eyes it does not affect their child as much as it affects them; however, they are often incorrect. Children are affected more emotionally and mentally than parents realize. They are not just crying because they miss their parents being together; it goes way deeper than that. By witnessing the rougher side of divorce, the child may become antisocial and impulsive; they can also have trouble adjusting socially and psychologically (Gruber). They are more likely to suffer from depression, dependency, low self-esteem, and anxiety (Gruber). Children usually show the beginning signs of these adjustment issues at school. Mental turmoil imposes a heavy burden that deprives children of the proper state of mind vital for learning (Kalpakgian). Naturally bonded to their parents and attached to their stable home, children possess a keen sense of natural order (Kalpakgian). Going from living with both of your parents to living with only one and seeing the other on specific days is a big change that may be difficult for a child to grasp. A divorce disrupts the parent-child relationship that was once present in their household, while also making them lose half of their emotional support; this affects a child’s psychological maturation(Huure). The parent can decide to move, change their

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