The Negative Aspects Of Intelligence

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There are two views about intelligence: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, but only one of these views has negative consequences on a student’s academic performance. One of the most basic beliefs that society holds about intelligence is that people are born with a certain amount of intelligence and no amount of learning can change that, which illustrates a fixed mindset. However, many people will argue that intelligence has the ability to grow and expand throughout life, which demonstrates a growth mindset. A student’s outlook on intelligence influences how he or she performs academically. Students who consider intelligence as fixed are disheartened by mistakes and hardships, while students who consider intelligence as changeable learn from …show more content…

According to Ben Michaelis, a person 's intelligence is not measured by how well they perform academically, but by how well they adapt to their situations and environment (Michaelis). The idea that students who attain outstanding grades in school are more intellectual than students who receive poor grades is unfair to all students. In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner identified different types of intelligence, including interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and musical intelligence (Fiero), so to assume that a person is unintelligent based on poor academic performance is unreasonable. In the article, “What Does it Mean To Be Smart?”, the author gives an example of a woman named Angie to demonstrate that academic intelligence is not the main indication of someone’s overall intelligence (Michaelis). Although she did not excel in an academic setting, she had the ability to adapt to her circumstances and capitalize on her talents and interests to create a successful career for herself (Michaelis). In order to start embracing the different forms of intelligence, society, as a whole, needs to eliminate its fixed mindset about what intelligence …show more content…

In a growth mindset, “students understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching, and persistence” (Clear). Students with a growth mindset consider failure and setbacks as a sign that they should strive to improve their abilities instead of a sign that they are not skilled (Clear). If people believe that intelligence can grow and improve, then they will most likely be active in their education and actually have motivation to learn more (Sieck). Students with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace challenges, persevere in the face of setbacks, and learn from criticism (“The Impact of a Growth Mindset”). These qualities allow these students to worry less about proving their intelligence through their grades and focus more on their

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