The Need For Special Education

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I. Imagine walking into school, through the white and blue halls of Upton Middle School to your locker. Going through the motions, you move to dial in in your combination. This time however, the numbers switch around… or maybe your fingers are finding it difficult to mess with the lock. As you gather your things for class, a friend calls to your from across the hall, but they sound as if you were under water. This is what life can be like for someone with special needs, a daily, never ending struggle for “normality.” Although disabilities can be coped with, but there is no cure. Not even fifty years ago proper education for handicapped was hard to come by. Since the 1600s, the lives of those with special needs have been greatly improved through an increase in the public awareness of disorders and teacher education, which have come together to create the special needs education programs we have today.

II. Special Education is available for students with a wide range of disabilities.

A. Special Education includes students with medical, emotional, or learning disabilities that may need special help in school.
1. Students can have the following and be eligible for special education: Unusually high intelligence, speech and language impairments, mental retardation, emotional disorders, hearing and visual problems, orthopedic impairments, autism, deafness or blindness, and traumatic brain injury.
B. The most commonly though of disability would be someone with autism or mental retardation.
1. Autism is a medical disability that occurs during pregnancy. It affects a person’s speech and social interaction along with some developmental problems.
2. Mental Retardation can occur through a genetic abnormality or during problems...

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...task or action, and, can cause them to have a hard time relating to others.
F. In the future, we look for special education to become more specialized to its students.
1. Children should receive the same curriculum as their peers, but in a different way that is best suited to their learning style.
2. Special Needs should be encouraged to do their best and to accomplish what they need to in order to learn grow in school.
VII. Although the quality of special education has greatly increased over the years, it still has a long way to go. We are always going to be learning how to best educate and treat these children. With research and technology ever changing, so will the needs of the students. The special education programs that are currently in place will proceed to evolve as public awareness, knowledge of disorders, and teacher education continue improving.

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