The Mughal And Ottoman Empire

541 Words2 Pages

Emily Teach
Essay #1
9:00-9:50 class

In their times The Mughal and Ottoman empires were some of the greatest and most successful empires of all time. Both empires were lead by strong rulers, Suleiman in the Ottoman Empire and Akbar in the Mughal. However, the Mughal empire failed due to the weak successors that could not unite the huge empire after Akbar’s demise leading the empire to fall apart.
The Ottoman Empire success was largely due to their military technology, and equipped soldiers with weapons. Along with these successes they also had a strong leader, known as Suleiman, who came to the throne as one of the wealthiest rulers in the world.The wealth and stability of the Empire at its time led to this period of time to be knowns as the Golden Era . He strengthened the government and improved the system of justice throughout the empire. Their law was based on the Islamic power, but Suleiman consulted his advisors and councils before making important decisions, he did not let his power get out of hand. “The Ottomans inherited three universalist traditions: one from their s...

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