The Movie Frozen Planet: The Last Frontier

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As a student of Contemporary World Geography, the movie Frozen Planet: The Last Frontier is a must watch movie. The film is suitable for students of Contemporary World Geography because the BBC shows the Physical Geography of the Polar Regions and most importantly, it shows the Human Geography of the Arctic Region and Antarctica. As for me, the most important part of the film is about how people of the Arctic and Antarctica survive and adapt to the hostile and extreme weather conditions of the Arctic and Antarctica. The Dolgans and Inuits may not be exposed to modern technology, but with the help of different animals and their teamwork, they are able to survive. The Dolgans are aided by reindeer in many ways. Reindeer’s fur is used for their clothes and is used as an insulator for their homes to keep them warm. The reindeer also help them move from one place to another in order to find new feeding grounds. Reindeers are valuable to them so they don’t eat them unless they have no other choice, but Dolgans usually eat raw fish from the frozen rivers. Inuits on the other hand, hunt their foods in the sea, where a walrus is present and can feed them for weeks, but they have to be …show more content…

I think that because, in this generation, Geography is not only about the physical features of the Earth, but it is more about how People cope up with their environment. It is essential to know these things in order to improve the lives of the people living in the Polar Regions.
BBC’s Frozen Planet sixth episode “The Last Frontier” is a film that will surely make someone gasps with awe because of the beauty of the Arctic Region and Antarctica. This film did not just show the wonder of the Polar Regions, but also provided viewers lots of information about the Arctic and Antarctica. The knowledge that the film brought affirmed and deepened my prior understanding about the Arctic and

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