Spartan Civilizations Essay

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Located in the fertile Eurotas valley of Laconia was Sparta, one of the most unique civilization’s the world has ever seen. This military driven society had many unorthodox conventions. Unlike other Greeks, they used iron bars for currency, their women were allowed to enjoy many of the same freedoms as their men, and their elderly were shown more respect than in other city-states. They employed two kings to help keep each other in check. One was appointed commander-in-chief on the military while the other served as a local ruler to take care of domestic matters. Under the rule of Lycurgus, Sparta became the strongest military power in all of Greece. The fierce warriors of this city-state transformed what it meant to be a Spartan. W.G Forrest …show more content…

Just like the boy, young girls had to go through tough training at a young age. Girls in Sparta used their hairstyles to distinguish what chapter of their life they are in. While she was a maiden, she showed that she had reached puberty by having long hair. While she was a bride she cut her hair short but when she got married she covered her hair. Spartan females had schooling regulated by the state just as boys did except they stayed home their whole lives. Although they stayed home with their families, staying indoors was looked down upon. Girls who stayed indoors were fed less and were deprived of wine, while but girls who exercised outdoors were fed well and had wine almost everyday. Greek women from other city-states were almost forced to stay indoors and learn how to weave and do domestic work whereas Spartan women were not allowed to do any domestic work. Instead, women enjoyed the freedom that other women could not. They had slaves to do their domestic work and take care of their land, which they had a lot of. Spartan women owned two-fifths of all the land and their daughters received one-half of her parents’ land. Although they owned the majority of the land, women still had no say in the government but their land ownership still gave them more control than women in any other …show more content…

Helots were the slaves at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Unlike like the helots in Athens, here helots had their own families and communities and were not considered to be chattle. They often outnumbered their masters seven to one which put the Spartans in constant fear of a helot uprising. Next on the social pyramid were the free but noncitizen perioeci. This group of people lived in their own towns called poleis and were the only people in all of Sparta who were allowed to travel to other city-states without having to get permission. Just like regular Spartan families, they too had to supply men to send to the army. But unlike a regular Spartan family, they were responsible for making weapons and conducting trade. Close to the top of the social pyramid was the Spartiatai, “ a non-producing warrier caste that lived on the surplus produced by the helots in the countryside” (22 Nielsen). This class is made up of the young boys that were trained and conditioned to be the fiercest warriors in all of Greece and the controllers of the government. Spartan warriors were known for being the best because they rather die than dishonor their families or their state. Before battle, mothers would tell their sons, “Come back with your shield, or on it”. They said this because warriors who died in battle would be carried back home on their shields while cowards who drop their shields and run away in

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