The Most Important System Of Human Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is one of the most important systems in the human body. It creates life, forming a human inside of another. It takes a male and a female to start a child, and the mother will carry it for around nine months. During this time, the baby will start from and egg and a sperm and become much more, the baby will grow quickly, and in approximately 40 weeks, the baby will be ready.
Without reproduction, pregnancy could not happen. This system, pregnancy, fully relies on another system, reproduction. A sperm cell must reach the egg before the child starts developing. If we didn’t have reproduction or pregnancy, soon the population would die out because this is how we make other humans.
Pregnancy is broken down into three sections, called trimesters. …show more content…

He will begin to add a half a pound every week until he is born. His hands are fully formed, and he even starts growing his nails out. His brain also begins to have folds to hold more cells in it. Before this week, the baby’s spleen and tissues were making his red blood cells. At 30 weeks, his bone marrow takes over and starts making the red blood cells. Now during week 31, the baby is stuck in the fetal position. He is starting to get too big to move around, so for the most part, he will stay in this position until birth. He starts to sleep more now, there may be times when he is not moving as much, if at all. All five senses now work, but he is not able to smell anything yet. He also has begun sucking his thumbs, and may even have a callous on his thumb when born! For both girls and boys, the reproductive system is more fully developed and where it should be. At 32 weeks pregnant, all of the baby’s organs are fully developed, except for the lungs. A baby born from this week forward is very likely to survive, just might need help breathing. His fingernails are now completely grown in. During the 33rd week, he has developed an immune system, so when he is born he can deal with all the germs he will come across. The walls between the baby and the outside now are thinner, so more light can be seen. This helps him tell day from

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