The Most Important Characteristics Of Legal System In Ancient China

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One of the most prominent characteristic of being called a civilization is having a legal system. Three significant basis for legal systems are culture, equality, and maintaining order. This is seen through China, Rome, and Mesopotamia respectively. The way these civilizations created their legal systems helped their specific societies accomplish the goals of their rulers and helped them build up into great empires, one of which remains to this day. The first and earliest legal system between the three regions addressed is China. It is stated by Charles Chao Liu that the origin of China’s legal system dated during the reign of Emperor Fuxi around 2853 BCE. The earliest laws were discovered in bronze inscriptions that were constructed during Fux’s reign. Following him, China, was under the rule of the Xia dynasty who integrated the legal concept of the writings during Fuxi’s reign. Each dynasty …show more content…

Disorder and weakness (of a state) spring from the disregard of it.” This excerpt explains Han Fei’s philosophy, that a strong government is structured based on a strong/harsh legal system. He prescribed a book on governance and earned respect from the kings in various Chinese states. The book promoted strict laws which he believed was the most appropriate way to govern the region. Another prominent legal system that worked well to accomplish the goals of their rulers was Mesopotamia. During the years 2000 – 1600 BCE, all across the Mesopotamian region was in complete war and chaos. Civilizations were in desperate need of order to keep them from destroying themselves. Around 1800 BCE the ruler Hammurabi seized control over Babylon and all across the city-states of the Mesopotamian region. He proclaimed that the gods gave him the right to make laws to instill order and justice to help benefit the people, thus he created his laws “Hammurabi’s

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