Case Study Of Alcoholics Anonymous And The Buddhist Method

2017 Words5 Pages

There are many different theories as to the best way for a person to overcome addictive behaviors. The most effective ways of combating addiction include: outpatient behavioral treatment, residential programs, therapeutic communities, and self-help groups (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2009). Most people require long-term treatment or multiple treatments before they are able to change their lifestyle. One fact that seems to be consistent among the different treatment plans is that both the psychological and physical parts of the addiction need to be addressed. Although there are different philosophies, most believe there are three stages that are key to rehabilitation: detox, counseling and aftercare (The Good Drugs Guide, 2014) Alcoholics Anonymous and the Buddhist method are the two options that chose to do further research on. Both of these methods believe that success depends on developing new strategies for dealing with the problems that drove you to the addition in the first place.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous (commonly referred to as A.A.) got its start in Ohio, in 1935. Two men, Bill Wilson and Bob Smith, both alcoholics at the time, met and began discussing how Wilson had been able to give up drinking through his affiliation with a Christian church. Smith was inspired to stop drinking after he …show more content…

These include: Medication, prayer, and taking responsibility for one’s self. Once the individual is clean and sober, he or she is encouraged to find out who they really are and to expand their lives to include something of meaning. Through finding balance in life, there is no longer a need for alcohol or drugs. The Buddhist addiction treatment program helps the individual to undergo a “full spiritual cleansing of your body and mind through focus and meditation” (Buddhist Addiction Treatment,

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