The Most Effective Form of Media

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The Most Effective Form of Media

There are many different types of media. The media is things like:

televisions, newspapers, magazines, radio, internet, cinema, phones

and many more. Media is important because it influences people to buy

products. They are very affective and appeal to many people.

Adverts are things that show certain products and try to get you to

buy them. The purpose of adverts is to make you buy the products being

advertised so they can make a profit. Companies spend a lot of money

on adverts because if the adverts are perfect the product’s sales will

be much higher than when the product isn’t advertised. We find adverts

everywhere you find them on the television, radio and the internet.

You also get them in magazines, newspapers, football grounds and on

the players shirts. You even get them in public toilets because when

you are in there they might just catch your eye and they may interest


Adverts try to persuade us to buy their products by using different

persuasive techniques. The persuasive techniques that are used are

things like: slogans and logos, pictures, layout of the advertisement,

the use of statistics and many more. Adverts also use hidden

persuaders which are like persuasive techniques, but they are

disguised. Hidden persuaders are things that are used like: addressing

the audience directly, personalising it and celebrities because if

they are using it, it will be a good product. Sex appeal and use of

striking colours are also used and if a few of these techniques are

used the advert will be a fairly good advert.

In television advertising only certain channels allow products to


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addressing the reader directly. I think this is the most effective

technique because it makes you feel as if you’re there.

Media is influential because it is in our lives every day, and it is

also very interesting. I think the best way of advertising is on

television, even though I said the Baileys advert was the best, but

this was because I did not like the L’Oral shampoo advert as much. I

think television is the best way to advertise because you get the most

techniques and cover nearly every aspect. The only aspect of

television advertising that is poor is that there is a limited time,

and you may not quiet catch the telephone number or completely read

what the small print says, so you have to wait for it to come on

again. This means that I think the most effective form of media

advertising is by television.

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