The Morality of Abortion

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The Morality of Abortion

Abortion is the termination of a foetus whilst in the womb and is a

constantly argued issue in today's society. Whether abortion is moral

or immoral depends on many topics and on one particular topic; when

does life start?

In 1976 the "Abortion act" was made active in England and Wales. This

allowed the termination of a foetus aged up to 28 weeks, and for the

first time women had the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

However limitations were still placed on why a termination could

occur; the mothers life physical or mental health must have been at

risk due to the pregnancy. Following this all abortions at these times

had to be approved by two registered practitioners. Each "improvement"

on the law became more and more lenient towards women with a pregnancy

and, for some, more and more immoral. In most understandings at this

time abortion was not believed to be morally right.

When the "Atlon Bill" of 1987 was published, the option of abortion

was limited to18 weeks from known impregnation. It was soon to be

changed though and an abortion could be authorised up until 24 weeks

of pregnancy. This is still the current law according to "One world

many issues" and is viewed as completely immoral by some people, as a

termination can happen, only as the mother has forgotten or not used

contraception; treating the procedure as an emergency contraceptive.

Laws are a fairly accurate way of determining the populations view on

abortion, as an M.P is elected to deal with issues felt most important

by the public, they and opposing M.Ps forward their views and a law is

passed according to the majority. As sho...

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abortion is "when does life start?" Some people believe life starts at

fertilisation, others whilst the foetus is established in the womb and

others at birth. If any of these stages were removed the forming of an

adult life would not be possible. Therefore abortion is killing it

cannot be anything else. I am supported in this conclusion by the

Christian religion and many other world religions in the sanctity of

life. The law supports this statement in part although pressure from

modern society is allowing abortion on demand. The grounds on which

abortions are allowed will soon perhaps degrade to even cosmetic

reasons as society relaxes it's rules. Even though it is widely

believed that abortion is immoral pressure is allowing religion,

government and society to believe the murder of a child can be


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