The Monsanto Company and Genetically Modified Organisms

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The Monsanto Company is a multinational corporation that was founded as a chemical company in 1901 by John F. Queeny (“Company History”). The company has its headquarter in Missouri, United States and has multiple locations around the world in North/Central America, South America, Europe, Middle East, Asia/Pacific, and Africa (“Company History”). Monsanto had been known in the past for manufacturing former controversial products such as: PCBs, Agent Orange, and rBGH (Tokar 254). PCBs are chemicals used in the production of industrial lubricants, oils, coatings, and sealants that were banned in the United States due to extreme toxicity for the environment (Tokar 254). Agent Orange is an herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate fields in order to disclose the enemy (Tokar 254). This chemical proved to cause serious health problems to the soldiers who were in a mission in the sprayed areas (Tokar 254). rBGH is a bovine growth hormone developed by Monsanto that produced an increased milk outcome in injected cows (Tokar 254). The researchers’ data documented that cows injected with rBGH had a high rate of udder infection and deformed offspring (Tokar 254).

At present, Monsanto is only producing GM seeds, named also transgenic seeds, and herbicides, marketed under Roundup brand (“Monsanto”). GMO, genetically modified organisms, are plants or animals whose DNA is combined with genes from DNA of other organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, plants, and animals. The genetically modified organisms pass the gene information to the future generations and cannot form in natural conditions of crossbreeding. In the last decade, the company business extended. Monsato acquisitioned several seeds companies such as Agracetus and Calgene Roundu...

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