The Mis-Education Of The Negro By Mr. Carter Woodson

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The Mis-education of the Negro came off to me as a very interesting and meaningful book. It was written by Mr. Carter Woodson. The craziest but yet so realistic thing about this book is that it was wrote many years ago but it speaks on the truth of our society today. I guess it is true what people say, that history does repeat itself. I was responsible for reading the first four chapters of this book. In the first four chapters of this book a lot of truth is revealed. From the background of the Negro to the educational abuse of the Negro. Mr. Woodson started this book off by basically telling how the oppressor looked down and ridiculed us as African Americans. He started off by saying that Negro were taught to admire other ethicality groups …show more content…

In more modern times Negroes seemed to have morally surrendered on trying to belong. In the past Negroes wanted to be a part of society and America. They wanted to belong. During the years that the book was written blacks no longer care to belong. In the past a Negro wrote, “I am a man and deemed nothing that relates to man a matter of indifference to me.” In more modern times a Negro would say, “Now, I am a colored man, and you white folks must settle that matter among yourselves.” This was found in the pages of The Mis-Education of the Negro in chapter 10. You’d think that this meant they gained some pride in their race, but what I got from the chapter was that they accepted that they were inferior and has also accepted their fate that whites have made for them. They no longer resist and fight. The people in more modern times stopped standing up for themselves and even highly educated Negroes began to support things such as …show more content…

Throughout the school systems they do not offer classes about the Negro Literature and the involvement of the Negroes in History. They expect us to learn bits and pieces that they provide in textbooks, but not the overall truth. Many Negros find themselves imitating the ideal of a good slave without knowing. Their mind became enslaved to do what he or she is told to do. Without the truth about the history of slavery, many don’t understand why they’re being judged for jobs, school, etc. Woodson placed the responsibilities on the teachers; their job is to address the concerns students may have. Instead, of ignoring the fact that race is the biggest question, that is brought to the children while they are at home, in the streets or even at school. Changing the curricula and adding more about the Negro history is a start. The problem is, no one is brave enough to approach the problem head on and make a change. These HBCU were based of the European colonists before coming to America. They 're putting emphasis on Greek philosophy and modern European, and not enough involvement of Africans ideals they always

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