Essay On The Concept Of Self

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The concept of self is something everyone in their question throughout their life time. Trying to understand yourself as an individual to better understand your role in society and what you want to accomplish in your life. Starting from an infant by developing a sense of self-awareness, understanding the difference between you and the person standing in front of you. Then understanding yourself as a human being; learning about your body and how your body functions. To learning functional skills, skills needed in day to day life, feeding yourself, dressing, learning how to cook. After learning all the physicality aspect of being a human being you then being to conceptualize a more complex notion of self. Describing yourself based on your characteristics, personality, likes and hobbies, etc. But these two things are seen as different thing. You as an individual becomes an abstract concept while a notion of self physically is seen as biology, but do these two concepts coincide or are they completely separate. The mind-body problem is the philosophical …show more content…

Our actions and decisions we make on a day to day life are driven by a purpose. Such as, Salma charges her phone at night because she believes it will run out of battery. Her belief that her phone will run out of battery drives her to charger her phone over night to avoid her phone from dying. Yet no every behaviour is a response to a stimulus, behaviour is in some cases spontaneous. For instance, Deja vu, the mental phenomenon that the sense of similarity about an experience. You have not experienced that moment before, being that you are experiencing it now. Yet, it feels familiar as if you’ve seen it before. This mental phenomenon is completely random and is not a response to a stimuli. Advance in psychological research has proven through the scientific method that mental phenomenon 's are more complex then it just being a response to

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